I love Jesus because He loves me. He died a terrible, violent, painful death on the cross just for us! Even though he could have revealed himself as God to those who were beating him, He didn't! All that pain and suffering that could have stopped in an instant, for me. I've sinned so much... knowing, in the moment I did it, that I was sinning. Hasn't everyone? I love Jesus Christ because he saved me out of His great love for me, even when I deserve Hell. There is no way to live a perfect life in Jesus' eyes, but through the power of His blood, I will live forever! Anyone can: murderers, liars, cheaters, theives! if only they would repent of their sins and accept Jesus once and for all. It only takes one life-saving decision, but it can be too late! It will be too late when we face judgement after death, or when Christ returns in final victory. That's why you need to make the choice NOW. Tomorrow isn't promised. Tomorrow, you could die. No one knows when the day will be, but since it isn't this instant (you're still alive), make the choice now.
Pray this prayer:
God, I know You're there. You hear this prayer that I'm lifting up to You now. I know that I've sinned against You. I am so sorry for every sinful thing I've done and I need You to forgive me. I know you can and will forgive me out of Your love and mercy. I surrender my life, all my talents and time and money, to Your purpose and calling. I will follow You the rest of my life and, when I die, spend an eternity with You in heaven. For now Lord, I know there will be both the good and bad times, and that Your way won't always be the popular way, but it will always be the right way. Help me to be strong in Your word as I set out on this journey of faith. Amen.
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